Tuesday, July 03, 2007


If I lived in the UK I would try to go to at least one of them even though I don't know half the bands, the first one by Pop Art is only £15 for the three days!!! But for now here in Athens, I can only be green with envy and try to decide whether it's worth paying 60€ because James used to be one of my favourite bands years ago.


Blogger x said...

i am so traumatized by that beastie boys concert this year, by the Okkervil River concert last year and by that White Stripes concert two years ago, that i am not giving 60 E again, no matter what. I'd love to hear "Sit down" but i can't find the strength again, that soon.
Have fun if you go and take pictures for me please!

July 04, 2007 10:16 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, na ta dwsw ta 60 E, arkei na mh ginei kamia stravh! me exoun tromaxsei ta teleutaia gegonota me beastie boys, kai ta pio palia me white stripes!
ma den 8a vre8ei epitelous enas epaggelmatias diorganwths se auth th xwra? :(

July 04, 2007 7:33 pm  
Blogger Dimitra Daisy said...

I do live in the UK and I'm not going to either, if that is any consolation.

And, I hope our gigs were well-organised. (Though, of course, they were pretty small. Tiny, even.) (But oh, how I loved them anyway.) (Okay now I'll stop before I get all nostalgic.)

July 05, 2007 11:11 am  
Blogger on_a_sunbeam said...

Δίκιο έχετε, εγώ μάλλον θα αποφασίσω πάλι τελευταία στιγμή. Το αστείο είναι ότι σκεφτόμουν και για saint etienne που ήταν αυτήν την Παρασκευή και τελικά ακυρώθηκε δυο μέρες πριν. Μήπως φταίω εγώ και γκαντεμιάζω τις συναυλίες; Μήπως να πάτε εσείς james και απλά να κάτσω εγώ σπίτι να βλέπω το dvd τους; :P

dimitra, your gigs were sweet and cozy and pretty well-organized, at least the 3 I managed to come to : ) I don't remember why but I couldn't make it to jens, I wish we would play again sometime :(

July 05, 2007 12:06 pm  

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