Friday, July 28, 2006

let's sneak into my room just to read my diary

For the last few years I have had this habit of writing down in my little pocket diary everyday details like going to the hairdresser's or the dentist or which films I watch, who I meet for a coffee or drinks, friend's b-days, gigs, trips and holidays. At the end of the year I never throw them away, so I have at least 6 of them all bought from "the works" and sent to me every December by my friend in the UK. From time to time I open them, find the present date and check what I was doing years ago on that day. Was it a sodding, stupid day that you wish to leave behind for ever or was it one of those days that stay in your mind and leaves you with the best memories? Have you changed, who are the friends you've left behind and who are still a part of your life? So I've come to realize that this is my first "working" summer and the very first July I've spent in Athens and it has been pretty good so far - especially since they've finally fixed the broken air-conditioner and we are not thinking any more of wearing out bikinis at work :-)


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